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Welcome to BOLT ON Technology

Mitchell 1
Maximize Profits & Drive Shop Efficiency

You already have the best in class Shop Management System.  Now you can have the Best in Class DVI tools as well.

Manager SE + BOLT ON

We know you already have experienced the power of best in class shop management through Mitchell. 

But did you know you can now get best in class DVI tools to supercharge your shop’s efficiency and increase customer trust? Using BOLT ON Digital Vehicle Inspections will grow your business and customer loyalty by being transparent and timely with customers about needed repairs.

Gone are the days of paper inspections.  You can now perform digital vehicle inspections, view repair procedures, log labor time, and much more — all from mobile tablets. It’s that easy! No more greasy, easy-to-lose paperwork that you have to file manually. And by keeping everything digital you can easily share videos and images with customers to educate them on their needed car repairs, leading to higher ROs.


Customer Transparency & Trust

Mitchell + BOLT ON = Leveling up your inspection process! Trade in your pen and paper, and start taking pictures.

Shop Efficiency & Workflow


Improved Communication with Customers